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BREVILLE ESPRESSO BARISTA EXPRESS MACHINE *1 YEAR WARRANTY* ACTUAL PHOTO POSTED (ACCESSORIES AND UNIT) CRANBERRY RED Refurbished, good condition. Appliance Centre resells Breville, Kambrook & Philips refurbished, seconds, damaged carton & end of line products. All reconditioned items undergo stringent operational checks, faulty parts replaced and are electrically tested and tagged to ensure compliance with electrical safety standards. MODEL: BES870 CRNANZ FEATURES: - Grind, dose, and extract all in one. - Capture the freshness with beans to espresso in under a minute. A barista will quickly tell you that the most important ingredient to deliver an amazing espresso is to use fresh beans and to grind them as close to the time of use as possible. Actually, it's best to limit the time between grinding and extraction to seconds, not minutes. That's why we've built a grinder into the Barista Express™ espresso machine. The in-built conical burr grinder allows you to grind only what you need directly into the portafilter. It's fully adjustable in grind size and dose, so you can tweak to taste. The patented Razor™ dosing tool trims the puck for consistent extraction, while PID digital temperature control delivers accurate water temperature throughout the extraction. With a dedicated hot water outlet, impressive steam pressure and single wall filters, you'll move from novice to barista in no time at all. * No Original Box * Accessories Shown in the Photo only. * 12 Month Return to Base Warranty * User manual soft-copy only available upon request. * May show signs of use & minor scratch at the lower edge Request a quote for rural delivery Check our other listings for a large range of other items as well. If you don’t see it just ask as we will more than likely have it.